Sunday, September 20, 2015

                     SEPTEMBER CABIN COMFORTS

                             stuff I'm digging this month 





 Set on Endor, writer Greg Rucka introduces us to upcoming Force Awakens superstar Poe Dameron's
Pappy and Ma. Marco Checchetto illustrates cleanly and can draw one hell of a Han Solo, while color
artist Andres Mossa makes the artwork come to life. An engaging introduction that has me wanting more.
bonus points for featuring Ewoks! Yub Nub!

    Witches Brew

     Yankee Candle

Sure, Halloween is still a month away but who cares?!?! Western Massachusetts beloved candle makers Yankee Candle has released there Fall line and "Witches' Brew" is one you should be summoning into your own dungeons. A mix of subdued Patchouli with hints an almost licorice spicy/sweetness that I will be burning until mid November. 


Speert Gets the Wookie on my face groomed and in tip top shape. Extremely durable and sleek, these friends of the beard are handmade in Switzerland. They also offer combs for your dome.



Part name brand love story, part "Wait...what the hell did this guy just say he wanted to do?!?!", Brett Easton Ellis's "American Psycho" (Father of the film starring Christian Bale and Justin Theroux.) is a vicious, page turning trip into the warped mind and deeds of 1980's wall street business man Patrick Bateman. The book does a great job of lulling you into a world of day to day grind, before punching you in the face with sudden brutality. 


       TIE BARS

 Let the other chumps tie just lay there limp, lifeless and flaccid. You know that a good tie bar adds +10 Handsome to your outfit (Maybe even Nullify ice attacks but were still awaiting the results). Not wearing a tie? Get some ties!



            Tijuana Bibles




 As an avid Clark Gable fan, I one day asked the sage-like proprietor of a flea market booth if he had anything interesting featuring the King of Hollywood that I could add to my collection. The mischievous twinkle in his eye and his giddy "I've got something your gonna love!" was enough to tell me it was something unusual. "Tijuana Bibles" are basically your grandfathers version of erotic fan fiction. Sold under the counter in bars, barbershops, bowling alleys and anywhere chaps during the 1920's-1960's hung out, these nasty little books featured some of the days biggest celebrities and cartoon characters such as Judy Garland, Popeye and Dick Tracy in various salacious activities and include pearl clutching artwork . 

Vintage Trading Cards


Brings back some of that great nostalgia you felt as a kid, before trading cards cost $6.00 a pack!
Currently I'm digging the old Star Wars and Indiana Jones stuff. Save money and space in your place by buying singles on Ebay of only your favorite characters instead of entire sets. That way you don't end up with fifteen cards featuring Lobot. 

   White Pumpkin Ale

   Westfield River Brewing 




Amazing entry into the Fall craze of Pumpkin flavored everything. Light and full of Spice and warmth this is one beer I will be sure to stock up on! From Westfield River Brewing Company     



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